Saturday, 3 September 2011

Honey, propolis and things

Well the ladies still haven't quite got the honey capped off in the supers for me to harvest, fingers crossed next week, well come hell or high water I will attempt to harvest next weekend, the season is getting late and I want them to be able to stock up again for the winter.

But at least I spotted the queen this time, I was beginning to get a bit worried especially as I hadn't seen too much pollen being flown in.

ok now propolis, bees make this from tree saps, honey and pollen to glue up the hive and fillholes, this is suppose to be really good stuff, a natural antibiotic, good for burns and loads of things, I collected this lump from the hive today, but just how on earth do you make it into something you can use for medical purposes, I'm guessing an evening on google coming up!

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