Sunday, 11 September 2011

1st harvest is in

With the help of Aman the first harvest is in, not all of the frames were ready, I think my mistake was putting a second super on too soon so the bees worked on both and didn't finish filling or capping either.

Of the 10 frames in a super 6 were ready to harvest and only one frame of honeycomb. These 6 frames produced 16 lbs of honey, so my guess is that a full super should produce 27 lbs.

It's a pretty messy process, but don't think we wasted too much. Aman's previous experience keeping bees in Afghanistan came in very handy with him teaching me how to uncap the frames so as not to damage the wax too much.

We made a few mistakes spinning out the honey and damaged the foundation on a couple of frames, but it went quite well for a first attempt.

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