Sunday, 18 September 2011

2011's final harvest (Part 1)

It's now approaching midday as I sit on my sofa updating my blog, while the last of the honey strains through the sieves, the garden is a complete no go zone as some very busy ladies are salvaging the surplus honey and putting in the brood box, well hope they are, more of that later. Now where was I? Ok yes, drinking Darjeeling first flush, honey jars in dishwasher, washing on and watching The Lake House with Sandra Bullock, (mmm) and wow what a house too, could seriously live there, who said men can't multitask!! :-)

Ok where to start!!

I've decided today is the day to take what honey I can and then get the bees to move the rest back into the brood box for the winter.

As you can see I only managed to get three more frames and they were cut comb frames, but hey will try spinning them out, bet the whole lot honey and comb ends up in the bottom of the spinner!

These are the frames not quite ready, that I have left out for the bees to take back into the hive.

Well here goes..............

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