Saturday, 9 April 2011

Will they forgive me!!

ok, today I decided it was time to complete the sort out of the mess I had made of the hive last year. Bloody hell did that sentence make any sense! Perhaps I've had one beer to many tonight :-)

Opening the hive this is what confronted me, well I knew it would be like this, I had just forgotten the mess!

The plan was to remove the brood and a half and put as many of the full brood frames into the brood box with the queen, time to be a bit had on the mess. But just what was I going to do with the surplus brace comb and bits of frame extension, I know stick them in the nucleus box that the bees originally came in, put that next to the hive and the bees that were all over the brace comb would make their way back to the main colony. They didn't seem that keen to move, so guess should leave them to sort themselves out? Bet I am out there again tomorrow fiddling about with them, I really hope they forgive me for all this messing about

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