Sunday, 3 April 2011

Queen seen, phew :-)

Late afternoon when things had quieted down I dived back into the hive to take out the drone brood on the piece of brace comb that I had put back in the hive.
Life is never simple in since Monday the worker bees had been busy joining all the bits of prace comb to together in one lump, they certainly work hard!
I cut away each piece finding that neither the work brood or drone brood had hatched, the drone brood i put out for the birds, I seems harsh but it's the best way to keep varroa mite levels down by natural methods. The worker brood I put aside to put back in the hive.
Then it was time to find the queen on the lower brood box, I soon spotted her, phew, on the fifth frame I looked on, happily walking about amongst her workers. So decided rather than upset them any more would leave them be and not look at all the frames, can do that next weekend.
Then I realised I'd forgotten to take any photos, so quickly took a photo this morning to help explain what brace comb looks like and also show the frame extensions that I had to remove.

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