Sunday, 10 April 2011

Will leave it to the bees to tidy up

I thought I would try and upload a video, so apologies for the camera work and for my shadow! :-)

This was this morning, I had put all the old brace comb including some brood in a nuc box which I have left next to the hive, I was hoping that during the day the bees would migrate back to the hive, I'm guessing there might be a thousand bees in the nuc box. Too many to lose from the colony.

I popped out about an hour ago to check their progress in moving honey and stored pollen and found that the nuc box was almost empty of bees, but I did spot some young bees hatching (do bees hatch!!) out of their capped cell, you can just make out two of them in the left hand photo below, because they can't fly in the first few weeks of their life they would never make the journey back to the main hive. So I suited up and set too moving the remaining brood brace comb back into the main hive!! I didn't want to go back to the mess that that hive looked on Saturday morning so decided to put a second queen excluder on top of the supa then an eke box so that I could stack the brood in one corner, where they might be kept warm by the bees. Not sure what their chances are but got to be better than leaving them in the nuc as most of the bees had left them to their own devices. Time will tell, well by my reckoning they should have all hatched by my next inspection next weekend.

There where two part frames of honey stores, these I left in the nuc so that the foraging bees can move it back into the main hive in the coming days. If they don't I'll just have to eat it :-)

PS forgot to mention that I didn't spot any evidence of wax moth in my inspection on Saturday, fingers crossed :-)

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