Friday, 3 June 2011

Warning, nectar levels low!

Just got an email from BBKA, warning all beekeepers that because of the very long dry spell, plants are not producing enough nectar and as a result colonies could end up starving!
I did think when I inspected on Tuesday that stores of honey were low.
So put feed tray on the main hive and increased frequency of feeding to the small colony that I am selling.
Might not be much of a honey crop this year, especially as we are yet to go through the "June Gap", this is the month when there aren't many flowering plants and bees struggle to feed themselves, but who knows when the June Gap will be this year, the growing season seems to be all over the place, maybe the June Gap happened in May and that is why honey stores are low in the hives!! Anyway the long and the short of it is that feeding is needed now otherwise the colonies might starve to death. Fingers crossed might get some honey this August, a lot of people will be disappointed if I don't :-(.
Made contact with the new beekeeper who wants my new colony, will transfer bees to his box next week and he will collect them next Saturday.

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