Wednesday, 1 June 2011

New Queen is up and running

Ok can you spot the new Queen, it's a lot easier in real life, she is roughly in the middle of the picture, just to the left of her are two uncapped larvae,(white looking cells), her daughters in the making.
Well it's a relief to see that the small Queen I saw a week or so ago has now made her mating flight and is laying eggs, on a good day could lay 1500 eggs!
The colony as a whole was looking good, plenty of stored honey and pollen, but on downside no honey being stored in the super for me to harvest, maybe the hiccup with the new Queen has slowed things a bit.
The other colony in the nuc box was looking good, no sign of the Queen but she has obviously been busy, could see larvae and capped brood.
I'm happy now that I can sell the nuc colony

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