Monday, 25 May 2015

 Ok I've been a bit lazy on the bee blog front, just as well my ladies haven't been as lazy.

Has been an eventful month, first I get back from a few days away to find this ball of bees waiting for me in the garden, I had suspected the previous week that Queenie was going to do a runner, but thought I had more time. Not too much harm done, collected swarm and dumped them into an empty hive I had. The first ever swarm I had collected, felt quite proud.
 Then a couple of weeks later on a Saturday morning I dropped a promised cucumber plant around to my neighbour, to be greeted with "What's that a peace offering?"

"Why what's wrong?", I say

"Your bees are in my garden again!"

Swarm number two, now I was in a hurry, so this wasn't a text book collection, it was raining too, I just swept them into a plastic box and snapped the lid on hoping I had the queen! The next problem was that I didn't have the right sort of starter hive to put them in, so just used an old travel box.

They are now in a neat little polystyrene starter hive that Thorne's,  rushed out to me.

Just checked all three colonies today, all seemed to be doing ok, despite my best endeavours with the poly box when I managed to drop a load of bees on the ground! Don't think I dropped the queen! Time will tell.

All three Queens were laying, can my garden really support 150,000 bees? I think not, a new home/location required.

There is an old bee keepers saying, "A swarm in May is worth a bale of hay, a swarm in June is worth a silver spoon and a swarm in July isn't worth a fly", so I have two bales of hay, but fingers crossed will be a good year for honey :)

Promise I won't be as lazy with next post!

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