Opened the hive for the last proper check until the spring, all seems well, found the queen, some brood and larvae but not much and loads of honey in the brood box, in fact it is full of honey. On top of that I have a super with six frames of uncapped honey, pretty sure I don't need to feed the bees, they have so much honey already stored up.
No sign of any drones, so the lazy bar stewards have been kicked out and are now probably wasp food!
This beekeeping lark is sometimes about gut feelings, so rightly or wrongly I have left the super on, removed the queen excluder so queenie can move between brood and super through the winter, have added a few more super frames but left some space and added apiguard to start varroa mite treatment.
Sitting here my only concern is if I have a super on in January when I need to apply oxalic acid, will it work? Oh well I suppose time will tell :-)
I'm sure this might not make much sense to some of you that read my blog, but feel free to ask questions :-) Bees are a very confusing subject!
Yeah, we were unsure about leaving the super on, but we've decided to leave it there, but with the crown board between it and the brood box to try to conserve some of the warmth in the brood box.