Tuesday, 3 August 2010

Bees prepare to rebel boarders:-)

The bees have been busy keeping raiders out of the hive, mainly wasps and other bees, but I spotted this trying to slip into the hive the other evening, it looks more like a fly but mimics a bumble bee! Anyway it didn't get in.
Because the hive entrance was wide the bees were struggling to defend the hive given that they are a relatively young colony and nowhere near up to strength, so put the entrance block in which drastically reduces the size of the entrance, it seriously confused the bees but they seem to have come the terms with it now.
Well that except at about 4.30pm everyday when there is masses of activity, I wonder if this is the time of day when the drones return to the hive after an afternoon hanging out with their mates trying to bag a virgin queen?
Friday evening sees a visit from Mike and Sue from BeesnBeans who taught me over the winter, it will be interesting to get an experts opinion on the colony.

1 comment:

  1. It does look more like a fly. I wonder what has happend to your second queen?
