Friday, 9 July 2010

1st inspection 9th July 7pm

Got home a bit earlier from work but it was still hot so decided to leave inspection until a bit later.

Bees were busy as usual but once I opened was surprised that they weren't inclined to settle on me like the bees did on my practical course.

First rule of all beekeepers in and out quick, had decided earlier to get a super ready just in case as they had appeared busy.

Of the frame in the brood box only the first and last had not been filled by the bees so decided play it safe and put a super on when putting hive back together.

Was surprised how heavy the frames were, appeared to be lots of stores both capped and yet to be capped and on the smaller standard brood frames bees had been busy making comb on bottom, but no sign of any drone brood or larvae so will leave until next inspection, (must order an uncapping fork!).

Didn't see queenie but has been plenty of pollen flown into hive in the last week so she must be there somewhere? Of course she's there?

When I'd put the hive back together was impressed how quickly they are calmed down and it was business as usual, so much so that after taking off beekeepers suit I noticed have was a bit twisted so gave it a bear hug and moved it about and they didn't come near me! Phew!!!

A super added

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