An extra day yesterday, a presentation by a local Bee Inspector, all about diseases that bees can get, all a bit depressing but I suppose it's like going for a job interview, they tell you all the things you will need to do and you say to yourself "bloody hell I'll never be able to do that", but once you start it all falls into place and you never end up coming across some of the things spoken about, well fingers crossed it works out that way with the bees :).
Saw a bee today on the footbridge over the railway line, only problem was it looked half dead, had the train hit it or was this some local disease, ok ok I'm getting paranoid. Not going to count this as a bee spotting.
Ever wondered about little reddy brown spots on your washing when hung outside? Sorry but it's bee pooh, knowing this will you now but it back in the washing machine or say sod it and put it in the ironing pile? :).
Last lesson tomorrow and then it's a couple of practicals, bring on the bees.
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