Sunday, 31 January 2010

Croydon Beekeeping Evening

I had been invited up to a society evening event on Friday 29th, I was still suffering from man flu but I was keen to meet a few local beekeepers and at the same time sign up for membership.

The talk was about breeding queen bees to improve temperment etc, but I think more importantly it was about using local bee stocks to try to strengthen the original British Bee "Dark European", I sort of understand the need, it's all about having bees suited to the local environment.

But I think for the next year of two, breeding queen bees other than in emergencies won't be on my agenda, that said it was an informative talk and I did pick up on a few things. Runners for one! Bees that run enmass during routine checks, must think about some cycle clips, don't fancy too many bees too far up the inside of my trousers! And also how useful the freezer is in dealing with varroa in drone cells.

I did begin to feel a little bit guilty about having put my name down for a nuc of Carniolan bees, (ok just realised I'd forgotten to mention that I had bought these two months ago, nothing like jumping in with two feet!)(won't get them until May/June), but the damage is done now and they are supposed to be good tempered which will be very important given where I have located my hive!

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