Sunday, 4 October 2015

The £160,000 jar of honey, bees truly are priceless!

My daughter showed me this picture last night and it got me thinking, ok this is obviously generated in the States but I wondered how about here in the UK? $182,000, no way!

Google time, starting with what I know:

- one jar of honey equals 250grams

- one bee makes a teaspoon of honey in it's life

- a bee lives on average 40 days in the summer, during that time they work every waking hour on varies duties from the day they are born;
  • 1-2 days - Cleans cells and keeps the brood warm
  • 3-5 days - Feeds older larvae
  • 6-11 days - Feeds youngest larvae
  • 12-17 days - Produces wax, Builds comb, Carries food, Undertaker duties
  • 18-21 days - Guards the hive entrance
  • 22+ days - Flying from hive begins, Pollinates plants, Collects pollen, nectar and water.
  • Day 40 - Their work is done...........

Now what I needed Google for:

- one 250 gram jar equals 50 teaspoons of honey, sounded about right with my experience of eating a teaspoon a day.

- the minimum wage in UK is £6.70 per hour.

But the question is just how long is a bees working day? Not wishing to be too controversial most people who are exploited on the minimum wage often do a 12 hour day. A bee works their entire life so technically that's 40 x 12 hour days for one teaspoon of honey, a grand total of 480 bee hours for one teaspoon of honey.

480 bee hours at £6.70/hour equates to £3216.00. With 50 teaspoons in a 250 gram jar that's £160,800.00 per jar!

It was a great year for my bees, one hive produced 80 jars of honey, WOW an amazing £12.86M in bee hours.