Thursday, 16 May 2013

New queen in new home

New queen now in the hive, colony doesn't look strong, fingers crossed they accept her and she starts laying quickly, she's a mated queen so no delay while she goes out to visit the guys, all being well in five weeks time new worker bees will be foraging.

Wednesday, 15 May 2013

Regicide :-(

Yet another new queen bee on the way to me in the post, the last one has decided to be a drone layer and the colony is quietly fading away. This time have a mated Buckfast queen on her way, (, had better warn the ladies that open the post at work!

Now all I will need to do is kill the old queen so they don't fight it out to the death! Not something I relish doing.

PS also due to pick up a new nuc, (starter colony), in a couple of weeks, one colony is just too problematical, now will have some alternatives to manage my bees.