Friday, 29 March 2013

Very tempted by Buckfast bees

Just saw this place pop up on my advertising link, tempted :-)

Bees looking good :-), a salutary bee warning though

The weather wasn't so bad this morning, still nowhere near the 10 degs the bees demand, but the sun was making a bit of an effort, the hive was in the sun so time to put my mind at rest and feed the ladies.
First problem, icing fondant had gone hard in packet, ten seconds on microwave solved that, rolled out a thin sheet, ok no roller so whacked it a bit!
Dusted off the bee suit, wonder if my new neighbours will be twitching their net curtains :). Then a quick smash and grab in hive so as not to disturb the ladies beauty sleep too much, pleasant surprise they were pretty active and were soon flying.

Fondant in so I'm a bit happier, then I spotted this gentleman on the landing board, looking a bit disgruntled after having been disturbed, I am sure he will appreciate his breakfast in bed tomorrow morning.
But the plus side is if there are drones "Queen no 63", (must think of a better name for her), is laying eggs, good girl, go for it milady, I want 50,000 bees in there this year :).
Oh yes a word of warning, if you are going to wear just a bee smock, don't wear jeans with button up fly jeans! I wondered what was vibrating down there when making a coffee afterwards, near disaster averted and my guest returned to her correct home :)
But all in all a much happier beekeeper today, but still fingers are crossed.

Tuesday, 26 March 2013

Overdue Photo

Ok this isn't today, think it was that one day of sun a few weeks ago, this is their new home, bet they still object to me cutting the grass, my new neighbours will think I'm a right weirdo cutting grass in my bee suit!

No need to agree! :-)

Bee'n too long since last update

I suppose not much really happens over the winter months, so I've been a bit lazy with my blog. With April a few days away things should be happening in the hive, eggs being laid new bees hatching, bees flying, but just for a change good old English weather is causing havoc with bee colonies across the country.

This time last year it was 20 degrees, now it's bloody freezing, my girls probably not flown more than a hand full of times, if even that many, warnings are coming from all directions colonies are starving to death! What to do, was always told never open hive in very cold weather but now being told open hive check for honey stores, if they are too far away from the ball of bees then move them closer, don't disturb the bees though! So how does that work??

Had a long chat with my colleague Stuart who has kept bees for years and years, he's worried too, between us we have come up with feeding the girls icing fondant put right on top of the brood frames and under the crown board, so will need to flatten out the icing fondant so will fit, not an overly complicated or hi-tech solution, but hive will only be open for a few fleeting moments.

Fingers crossed they get through this winter, if it ever ends! It would be nice to get some honey this year, well it would be nice just to have a strong healthy colony.

Now that I am in new house I am definitely getting a second hive, want a bee hotel too this year, another little project, I knew all that bamboo in garden would come in handy :-)