Thursday, 16 May 2013

New queen in new home

New queen now in the hive, colony doesn't look strong, fingers crossed they accept her and she starts laying quickly, she's a mated queen so no delay while she goes out to visit the guys, all being well in five weeks time new worker bees will be foraging.

Wednesday, 15 May 2013

Regicide :-(

Yet another new queen bee on the way to me in the post, the last one has decided to be a drone layer and the colony is quietly fading away. This time have a mated Buckfast queen on her way, (, had better warn the ladies that open the post at work!

Now all I will need to do is kill the old queen so they don't fight it out to the death! Not something I relish doing.

PS also due to pick up a new nuc, (starter colony), in a couple of weeks, one colony is just too problematical, now will have some alternatives to manage my bees.

Sunday, 21 April 2013

Bee Bee N Bee

Vacancies, solitary rooms with suburban view, Beejoux location, good rates for first time bees.

I wonder what type of solitary bees will get attracted first?

Monday, 8 April 2013

Honey and cinnamon, worth a go? AKA the mother of all conspiracy theories!!

Hmm, this popped up on my timeline on Facebook, it seems to originate from India, I wonder if those huge drugs companies Bayer and Syngenta, have known this all along and that is why they are determined to wipe out bees with their pesticides? Shock, horror, perhaps the British Government are in on the act too seeing as they are refusing to uphold an EU ban. But then again we Brits have been at it for years, after all we can lay claim to causing the varroa mite to mutate in India all those centuries ago and now in conjunction with the drugs companies are bringing bees to their knees and with their passing the end of the human race, a bit short sighted really, after all with an 80% reduction of the worlds population as a result of no food just who is going to be worried about income and expenditure accounts!

Wow as conspiracy theories go this could be the biggest of them all!

Just a little concerned because now Google keeps telling me I can't save and post this, they are all in on the act now.

Next we will learn that the Asian Hornet that is wiping out bee colonies and  has got as far as the French side of the English Channel was genetically engineered. Asian Hornet, English Channel, there seems a common thread here?

Anyway here's that link from Facebook................

PS I'm going to have to give that hard of hearing cure a go :-), mind you no mention of quantities! Must Google it :-) lol

 A Must Read...
Cinnamon and Honey

Drug companies won't like this one getting around. Facts on Honey and Cinnamon:
It is found that a mix of honey and Cinnamon cures most diseases. Honey is produced in most of the countries of the world.Scientists of today also note honey as very effective medicine for all kinds of diseases. Honey can be used without side effects which is also a plus.Today's science says that even though honey is sweet, when it is taken in the right dosage as a medicine, it does not harm even diabetic patients. Researched by western scientists:

HEART DISEASES: Make a paste of honey and cinnamon powder, put it on toast instead of jelly and jam and eat it regularly for breakfast. It reduces the cholesterol and could potentially save one from heart attack. Also, even if you have already had an attack studies show you could be kept miles away from the next attack. Regular use of cinnamon honey strengthens the heart beat. In America and Canada, various nursing homes have treated patients successfully and have found that as one ages the arteries and veins lose their flexibility and get clogged; honey and cinnamon revitalize the arteries and the veins.

ARTHRITIS: Arthritis patients can benefit by taking one cup of hot water with two tablespoons of honey and one small teaspoon of cinnamon powder. When taken daily even chronic arthritis can be cured. In a recent research conducted at the Copenhagen University, it was found that when the doctors treated their patients with a mixture of one tablespoon Honey and half teaspoon Cinnamon powder before breakfast, they found that within a week (out of the 200 people so treated) practically 73 patients were totally relieved of pain -- and within a month, most all the patients who could not walk or move around because of arthritis now started walking without pain.

BLADDER INFECTIONS: Take two tablespoons of cinnamon powder and one teaspoon of honey in a glass of lukewarm water and drink it. It destroys the germs in the bladder....who knew?

CHOLESTEROL: Two tablespoons of honey and three teaspoons of Cinnamon Powder mixed in 16 ounces of tea water given to a cholesterol patient was found to reduce the level of cholesterol in the blood by 10 percent within two hours. As mentioned for arthritic patients, when taken three times a day, any chronic cholesterol-could be cured. According to information received in the said Journal, pure honey taken with food daily relieves complaints of cholesterol.

COLDS: Those suffering from common or severe colds should take one tablespoon lukewarm honey with 1/4 spoon cinnamon powder daily for three days. This process will cure most chronic cough, cold, and, clear the sinuses, and it's delicious too!

UPSET STOMACH: Honey taken with cinnamon powder cures stomach ache and also is said to clear stomach ulcers from its root.

GAS: According to the studies done in India and Japan, it is revealed that when Honey is taken with cinnamon powder the stomach is relieved of gas.

IMMUNE SYSTEM: Daily use of honey and cinnamon powder strengthens the immune system and protects the body from bacterial and viral attacks. Scientists have found that honey has various vitamins and iron in large amounts. Constant use of Honey strengthens the white blood corpuscles (where DNA is contained) to fight bacterial and viral diseases.

INDIGESTION: Cinnamon powder sprinkled on two tablespoons of honey taken before food is eaten relieves acidity and digests the heaviest of meals

INFLUENZA: A scientist in Spain has proved that honey contains a natural 'Ingredient' which kills the influenza germs and saves the patient from flu.

LONGEVITY: Tea made with honey and cinnamon powder, when taken regularly, arrests the ravages of old age. Use four teaspoons of honey, one teaspoon of cinnamon powder, and three cups of boiling water to make a tea. Drink 1/4 cup, three to four times a day. It keeps the skin fresh and soft and arrests old age. Life spans increase and even a 100 year old will start performing the chores of a 20-year-old.

RASPY OR SORE THROAT: When throat has a tickle or is raspy, take one tablespoon of honey and sip until gone. Repeat every three hours until throat is without symptoms.

PIMPLES: Three tablespoons of honey and one teaspoon of cinnamon powder paste. Apply this paste on the pimples before sleeping and wash it off the next morning with warm water. When done daily for two weeks, it removes all pimples from the root.

SKIN INFECTIONS:Applying honey and cinnamon powder in equal parts on the affected parts cures eczema, ringworm and all types of skin Infections.

WEIGHT LOSS:Daily in the morning one half hour beforebreakfast and on an empty stomach, and at night before sleeping, drink honey and cinnamon powder boiled in one cup of water. When taken regularly, it reduces the weight of even the most obese person. Also, drinking this mixture regularly does not allow the fat to accumulate in the body even though the person may eat a high calorie diet.

CANCER: Recent research in Japan and Australia has revealed that advanced cancer of the stomach and bones have been cured successfully. Patients suffering from these kinds of cancer should daily take one tablespoon of honey with one teaspoon of cinnamon powder three times a day for one month.

FATIGUE: Recent studies have shown that the sugar content of honey is more helpful rather than being detrimental to the strength of the body. Senior citizens who take honey and cinnamon powder in equal parts are more alert and flexible. Dr. Milton, who has done research, says that a half tablespoon of honey taken in a glass of water and sprinkled with cinnamon powder, even when the vitality of the body starts to decrease, when taken daily after brushing and in the afternoon at about 3:00 P.M., the vitality of the body increases within a week.

BAD BREATH: People of South America, gargle with one teaspoon of honey and cinnamon powder mixed in hot water first thing in the morning so their breath stays fresh throughout the day.

HEARING LOSS: Daily morning and night honey and cinnamon powder, taken in equal parts restores hearing.

Remember when we were kids? We had toast with real butter and cinnamon sprinkled on it!

Sunday, 7 April 2013

Bee Hotel

I've been wondering what to do with all the bamboo growing in my new garden and then a month or so back I got interested in bee hotels.

So with a few hours to kill today I decided it's time to give it a go, I just didn't realise how much bamboo goes into making on of these! Anyway it's built now, all recycled materials with the exception of the ultra violet marker pen, bees apparently can see ultra violet so if you mark up the cut ends of the bamboo there is a good chance some solitary bees will show an interest.

I suspect the bamboo is still a bit too green, but having made it I might as well see if I can get any guests in my hotel.

Solitary bees live alone, there are many different types, they all collect nectar and pollinate plants much like honey bees, I'm looking forward to seeing how many varieties I can attract.

All I need to do now is fix it securely somewhere that gets plenty of sun, will need to be pretty solid, it weighs more than Ryan Air's baggage allowance!

Friday, 29 March 2013

Very tempted by Buckfast bees

Just saw this place pop up on my advertising link, tempted :-)

Bees looking good :-), a salutary bee warning though

The weather wasn't so bad this morning, still nowhere near the 10 degs the bees demand, but the sun was making a bit of an effort, the hive was in the sun so time to put my mind at rest and feed the ladies.
First problem, icing fondant had gone hard in packet, ten seconds on microwave solved that, rolled out a thin sheet, ok no roller so whacked it a bit!
Dusted off the bee suit, wonder if my new neighbours will be twitching their net curtains :). Then a quick smash and grab in hive so as not to disturb the ladies beauty sleep too much, pleasant surprise they were pretty active and were soon flying.

Fondant in so I'm a bit happier, then I spotted this gentleman on the landing board, looking a bit disgruntled after having been disturbed, I am sure he will appreciate his breakfast in bed tomorrow morning.
But the plus side is if there are drones "Queen no 63", (must think of a better name for her), is laying eggs, good girl, go for it milady, I want 50,000 bees in there this year :).
Oh yes a word of warning, if you are going to wear just a bee smock, don't wear jeans with button up fly jeans! I wondered what was vibrating down there when making a coffee afterwards, near disaster averted and my guest returned to her correct home :)
But all in all a much happier beekeeper today, but still fingers are crossed.

Tuesday, 26 March 2013

Overdue Photo

Ok this isn't today, think it was that one day of sun a few weeks ago, this is their new home, bet they still object to me cutting the grass, my new neighbours will think I'm a right weirdo cutting grass in my bee suit!

No need to agree! :-)

Bee'n too long since last update

I suppose not much really happens over the winter months, so I've been a bit lazy with my blog. With April a few days away things should be happening in the hive, eggs being laid new bees hatching, bees flying, but just for a change good old English weather is causing havoc with bee colonies across the country.

This time last year it was 20 degrees, now it's bloody freezing, my girls probably not flown more than a hand full of times, if even that many, warnings are coming from all directions colonies are starving to death! What to do, was always told never open hive in very cold weather but now being told open hive check for honey stores, if they are too far away from the ball of bees then move them closer, don't disturb the bees though! So how does that work??

Had a long chat with my colleague Stuart who has kept bees for years and years, he's worried too, between us we have come up with feeding the girls icing fondant put right on top of the brood frames and under the crown board, so will need to flatten out the icing fondant so will fit, not an overly complicated or hi-tech solution, but hive will only be open for a few fleeting moments.

Fingers crossed they get through this winter, if it ever ends! It would be nice to get some honey this year, well it would be nice just to have a strong healthy colony.

Now that I am in new house I am definitely getting a second hive, want a bee hotel too this year, another little project, I knew all that bamboo in garden would come in handy :-)