Well queen no 63 is out of her travelling cage, but doesn't look like she's a prospective mum yet! In fact I'm seriously confused, when I last looked when I put her in there were no larvae or brood, (wax capped larvae, bees in the making), now there is larvae and drone brood, (male bees), definitely nowhere near enough time for her to lay eggs that develop that much!
So maybe there is a drone laying queen or bee in there somewhere! Hopefully they have had a fight and the drone layer is now history! So next time I look I need to see serious amount of larvae and worker bee brood, without that the colony is doomed to fail, it's late in the season and they need bee numbers up high.
Just to confuse me more I decided to destroy all the old empty queen bee cells, only to find two larvae developing in them! Won't be developing now!
The bee world is complicated, I wonder what is going through their minds? Who really knows, they've been here for 60 million years so they must know what they are doing, guess need to sit back and trust nature.
Come on girls.