Saturday, 7 January 2012

Pollen on 1st of Jan!!!

Happy New Year and what a strange start, the bees were busy on New Years Day much as they are today.

Nothing really unusual about that, because when the temperature tops 10 deg the ladies will pop out for a toilet trip.

However it looks like they've been to the January sales because they were coming back with pollen on their legs, if you look closely at photo you can see it. Where the hell are they finding pollen on 1st January! Maybe they are visiting the cut flowers at Whyteleafe Church's graveyard which is about half a mile away, they certainly seem to be coming from that direction.

Well the weather's all a bit strange this year, my bonsai are beginning to bud, bulbs have leaves a foot tall and a colleague at work says her dad's apple trees have blossom on!

It's not just the bees that are confused!