Saturday, 25 September 2010

Just what do bees do in Winter?

Over the past few weeks several people have asked me do bees hibernate, what do they do over the winter?
Well as all good beekeepers know, bees don't hibernate.
So what do they do?
First up It's important to remember that bees are amazing animals.
As the temperature drops (below 10 deg C), the days get shorter and nectar becomes scarce the bees decide it's time to kick the drones out, reduce numbers and stay indoors.
Bees don't hibernate, they cluster in a ball in the middle of the hive and keep each other warm, eating the honey supplies they have stored up to help them keep the temperature in the hive at about 36 deg C, no matter what the temperature falls to outside.
They will stay like this all winter unless there are some warm spells above 10 deg C when they will pop out to visit the toilet, have you ever wondered what the pale brown spots are on the washing on the line? Now you know:-)

Saturday, 18 September 2010

Varroa - continued

Two weeks was up for the first treatment last weekend, I have now put the next dose of apiguard in, one week to go before I can start feeding, days are getting colder so hope I haven't missed the window to feed the colony up for the winter!

You can tell it's getting colder no activity around the hive all the time it is in the shade but as soon as the sun hits the hive there is some pretty frantic activity.